About us

picture of Gia the owner of LOVEmade Aruba. Gia has the glow getter face mask on her face.

Hi! I'm Gia and I am the owner of LOVEmade Aruba. I have a passion for researching and formulating organic skincare. I've been formulating my own skincare since I was in high school where I mostly made face masks and scrubs. When I moved to the Netherlands I had to give my body some extra TLC. As I have eczema my skin was not happy with the change of weather (very cold and dry) and most products bought in supermarkets made my skin worse. That's how I started to research how to formulate natural body butters and body oils. Then came 2020, surprising right? (that's sarcasm lol) When the pandemic hit I temporarily moved back to Aruba. That's when I started gifting friends body scrubs for their birthdays. Making the scrubs was not only a creative gift but it served as a way to distract my mind of what was going on in the world at that moment. I received a lot of great feedback and decided to offer a Christmas collection and see how it goes. Low and behold, we sold everything! And that's when LOVEmade really started. I hope you enjoy our products as much as I enjoy making them. Have a lovely day!